
  • Pakistan Today

    Hospital automation in Pakistan is a win for all

    With an exploding population and limited resources, Pakistan’s hospitals are fighting a difficult battle. Pakistani hospitals are struggling to provide basic care, and hygiene, while health care systems in other countries are being revolutionised by technology. Manual errors are frequent, slow availability of data leads to poor (life or death) decisions. These issues, coupled with a lack of transparency lead to poor patient care. While the US and the west are moving to revolutionise health care using technology, Pakistan continues to lag behind not only the west, but also India and the Middle East.

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  • do-not-harm

  • Improving Patient Care in Pakistan With Hospital Automation

    Hospitals in Pakistan are overwhelmed by exploding patient populations, lack of resources, and critical care training. Manual errors are frequent, slow availability of patient lab results, doctors and nurses are confounded with slow paper based information retrieval, and misplaced patient histories lead to poor diagnosis, which can lead to bad (life or death) decisions. These issues, coupled with a lack of transparency lead to poor patient care.

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  • Improving Patient Care

  • Schools Win with Campus Automation

    Education is a critical function of modern society. Collectively, schools, colleges and universities are institutions that shape society. In Pakistan educational institutions face many challenges – poorly trained teachers, lack of transparency, lack of proper facilities. With a growing population and limited resources, Pakistan’s schools are fighting a difficult battle.

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  • every body wins